Chicken Pot Pie Pasta with Your Choice of Green Veggie


This comforting chicken pot pie pasta is loaded with diced chicken, pasta, peas, carrots, celery, onion and a savory creamy sauce. Served with your choice of green veggie.

Nutrition Information: Serving Size 1 Container

362 calories, 13g fat, 37g carbohydrates, 24g protein

*Contains dairy

*Gluten free option available

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Veggie Option:
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This comforting chicken pot pie pasta is loaded with diced chicken, pasta, peas, carrots, celery, onion and a savory creamy sauce. Served with your choice of green veggie.

Nutrition Information: Serving Size 1 Container

362 calories, 13g fat, 37g carbohydrates, 24g protein

*Contains dairy

*Gluten free option available

This comforting chicken pot pie pasta is loaded with diced chicken, pasta, peas, carrots, celery, onion and a savory creamy sauce. Served with your choice of green veggie.

Nutrition Information: Serving Size 1 Container

362 calories, 13g fat, 37g carbohydrates, 24g protein

*Contains dairy

*Gluten free option available