Buffalo Sweet Potato


Baked sweet potato stuffed with tender buffalo chicken. Served with a side of fat free ranch.

Nutrition Information: Serving Size 1 Container

276 Calories, 3g Fat, 41g Carbohydrates, 22g Protein

*Contains Dairy

*Gluten Free

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Baked sweet potato stuffed with tender buffalo chicken. Served with a side of fat free ranch.

Nutrition Information: Serving Size 1 Container

276 Calories, 3g Fat, 41g Carbohydrates, 22g Protein

*Contains Dairy

*Gluten Free

Baked sweet potato stuffed with tender buffalo chicken. Served with a side of fat free ranch.

Nutrition Information: Serving Size 1 Container

276 Calories, 3g Fat, 41g Carbohydrates, 22g Protein

*Contains Dairy

*Gluten Free