PMP Green Chicken Enchilada with Spanish Rice


These healthy green enchiladas with chicken are low in fat and high in protein! Paired with a side of Spanish Rice.

Nutrition Information: Serving Size 1 Container

437 Calories, 10g Fat, 52g Carbs, 33g Protein

*Contains dairy

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These healthy green enchiladas with chicken are low in fat and high in protein! Paired with a side of Spanish Rice.

Nutrition Information: Serving Size 1 Container

437 Calories, 10g Fat, 52g Carbs, 33g Protein

*Contains dairy

These healthy green enchiladas with chicken are low in fat and high in protein! Paired with a side of Spanish Rice.

Nutrition Information: Serving Size 1 Container

437 Calories, 10g Fat, 52g Carbs, 33g Protein

*Contains dairy